Monday, October 29, 2007

Dreamy dress part 18

A lovely dress made of wool would be the ideal choice if I were to wear a dress today. Such a cold, rainy day needs good materials and a rich, deep color.
Tracy Reese at

Friday, October 19, 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Newest Addiction: Heroes

So I love tv and this weekend there was a 6 first episodes maraton of Heroes and I wasent sure it was a show for me but how wrong could I be?
I simpley cant wait a week for a new episode becaues it is good and I need more. I just finished epi 12 and I will have to watch epi 13 first thing when I get home ;-)
The charcthers are all very intressting and the actors do such a great job. Hayden P is my new favourite teen queen. She is so cute!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Two random schooloutfits

Skarf; Kapphal Neckleas; Smyk Tops; H&M grey pants; Primark Cardigan; JC

Grey top; H&M white top; Tg Huges Cardigan; kaffe Skarf; Accessoris
Jeans; H&M

What I bought; Beauty

I finaly got the powder(more then 50% off) so I bought two.
The Elisebeth Arden body butter is so amazing, its essential to me now.
It is traditon for me to buy a Juicy Tub when on hoilday and this one was purple too so perfect!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Dreamy dress part 17

I am really into gray at the moment and found it natural to pick a gray dress for my dreamy dress part 17.
This one is from Paul & Joe sister and is made of gray silk satin.